Thursday 28 May 2015

See Full Text Of GEJ’s Remarks At The Presentation Of Handing-Over Notes To Buhari

See Full Text Of GEJ’s Remarks At The Presentation Of Handing-Over Notes To Buhari

gej gmb

gej gmb
Read full text below...
1. I welcome you all to this occasion of the formal presentation of the Hand-over notes of my Administration to the in-coming Administration of the President-Elect, General Muhammadu Buhari.
2. This event and tomorrow’s inauguration of a new administration are truly historic as it is the first time in the history of our nation that we are witnessing the democratic and orderly transfer of power at the Federal level from one political party to another.
3. The Hand-over notes which we now present, contain the governance philosophy, strategies, policies, programmes and activities of my Administration for the period – 2011-2015. Also to be found in the notes are the objectives, targets and implementation strategies, achievements and challenges of our key policies, schemes, initiatives as well as the status of commitments and liabilities of the various MDAs.
4. As we hand over the affairs of the nation, it is appropriate to recall that at inception, in May 2011, we committed ourselves to consolidating national unity through democratization and good governance. Our assessment then, and our firm belief ever since, is that the unity of Nigeria, the security, well-being, greater freedoms and opportunities for all citizens must remain the primary objectives of government.
5. The Agenda for National Transformation which we did our best to implement consisted of clear and consistent governance strategies, policies, plans, programmes and projects, in all facets of our national life. Emphasis was placed on human and state security, democratization, sound economic management, as well as structural and institutional reforms.
6. Our foremost concern was the unity of Nigeria. In keeping with that concern, we engineered a process that began with a review of issues outstanding from previous Constitutional Conferences by the Belgore Committee. After that, we widened political consultations through a National Dialogue that was orchestrated through the Okurounmu Committee. These culminated in the all-inclusive National Conference which unanimously reaffirmed that Nigeria must remain united and indivisible.
7. The Conference also made resolutions and recommendations for serious constitutional, political and governance reforms, which we have forwarded to the National Assembly for appropriate legislative action. It is our hope that the incoming Government will accord the Report of the National Conference the very high priority that it deserves, as a genuine expression of the will of our people.
8. The recognition that the starting point for good governance is the legitimacy of the government itself informed our commitment to promoting free and fair elections.
9. It also motivated innovations in the management and conduct of elections which we undertook. Hopefully, in the years ahead, those innovations will be properly and fully implemented so that Nigerians will be even more assured of the integrity of the electoral system and the legitimacy of any government that it produces.
10. To strengthen the social contract between the government and the governed, we institutionalized the rule of law as well as the independence of the legislature and the judiciary. We also promoted group and individual freedoms. As a result, there is vast expansion in democratic, social and economic space for all citizens.
11.Our nation and citizens faced many new challenges over the past four years but the greatest was the vastly increased menace of Boko Haram with their mindless terror, mass killings, utter ruthlessness, kidnapping of innocent children and other unspeakable acts of brutality.
12. We should all remember that Boko Haram’s emergence predated our administration going as far back as 2002. The group however became extremely malignant with the killing of its leader, Mohammed Yusuf in July 2009.
13. It therefore became an urgent task for us to effectively confront the great threat Boko Haram posed to the security and well-being of our people. To do so, we overhauled and virtually reinvented our security architecture to confront Boko Haram and its insurgency. We re-organized our security apparatus. We re-equipped and fully motivated our forces.
14. Victory is now in sight and within our reach. However, the cost in blood of citizens and heroes; and the diversion of national treasure from urgent needs for development have been very high. While more than 500 women and children have been rescued from the clutches of Boko Haram thus far by our security forces, it remains my sincere hope and prayer that our beloved daughters from Chibok will soon be reunited with us.
15. I wish to thank the Nigerian people for their resilience and patience. I also wish to pay very special and personal tribute to all the men and women of our valiant armed forces and security agencies. Their sacrifice and dedication have brought us thus far.
16. While striving to overcome our national security challenges, we still gave necessary attention to economic development. Our goal was to achieve long-term economic growth and stability, improve the quality and quantum of infrastructure and enhance human capital development.
17. Our financial system reforms included the Treasury Single Account [TSA] that unified the structure of government accounts for all MDAs and thereby brought order to cash flow management; and Government Integrated Financial Management Information System [GIFMIS] was introduced to plug leakages and waste of resources. The Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System [IPPIS] weeded out 60,450 ghost workers in 359 out of 425 MDAs, yielding N185.4 billion in savings to the Federal government.
18. Improved Revenue Mobilization was achieved through improvements in the laws and compliance measures. In 2013 alone, these measures resulted in a 69% rise in Federal tax revenues from N2.8 trillion to N4.8 trillion. Also, Waiver Policy and Trade Facilitation were reformed to create a more rational regime. Our emphasis shifted to granting waivers to specific sectors instead of individual companies and the Sovereign Wealth Fund was established to provide stabilization from external shocks, provide funding for critical infrastructure and savings for future generations.
19. Our Financial Sector reforms addressed the issues of inefficiencies in the coordination and monitoring of the financial system. Our policies promoted transparency, better risk management, new banking models and payment systems. We established the Assets Management Corporation of Nigeria as a resolution mechanism for toxic banking assets. We strengthened banking supervision and enhanced public confidence in Nigerian Banks
20. Similarly, we undertook innovative reforms for job creation and repositioned the manufacturing, agriculture and housing sectors. Specifically, it was observed that over the years, job creation did not keep pace with economic growth. Thus unemployment, especially amongst the youth was assuming alarming dimensions.
21. To address this, my administration made job creation a key consideration for all programmes in the Transformation Agenda. Emphasis was also shifted towards empowering youths to become entrepreneurs rather than job seekers, through such initiatives as Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria (YOU-WIN), Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS), the SURE-P Technical Vocational Education and Training Programme (TVET) and the Youth Employment in Agriculture Programme (YEAP).
22. Manufacturing in Nigeria faces many challenges, including poor power supply, high cost of input, high cost of doing business, multiple taxation, poor infrastructure and lack of synergy with the labour market. To address these problems, we launched several programmes and initiatives including the National Industrial Revolution Plan and a new National Automobile Policy designed to boost domestic car production and expand existing capacity. Since then, five new private vehicle assembly plants have been established.
23. Agriculture is critical to national survival and yet the sector was besieged with many problems. By year 2010, Nigeria was the second largest importer of food in the world, spending about N1.3 trillion on the importation of fish, rice and sugar alone.
24. The reforms we introduced in agriculture dramatically increased local production of staple food and saved us vast amounts of money that we would have spent on the importation of food items.
25. To address the glaring inadequacy of critical national infrastructure, we focused on the Power Sector, Roads, Railways, Aviation, Ports and Harbours as well as on Water and Sanitation, Information and Communication Technology.
26. My government introduced the Power Sector Roadmap in 2010. Since then, we have privatized the generation and distribution aspects in a most transparent process. Obstacles to the private sector investments in power supply were removed and we developed cost effective electricity tariff to make the sector more attractive. It remains our hope that the successor companies to PHCN and also the private sector will step forward with the necessary investment to make the power reform work.
27. The major challenge in the road sector in Nigeria is the high cost of building roads and it continues to rise. The other challenge is the fact that because of regular use, roads are one of the fastest depreciating assets in developing countries.
28. To address this, Government has developed the required legal and regulatory framework and created opportunities for Private Public Partnership (PPP) in road construction and maintenance.
29. From Ore/Benin Road, Lagos/Ibadan Expressway to the Kano/Maiduguri dualisation projects, we made concerted efforts to address age-long problems of delays in construction, design defect, neglect and ineffective maintenance. The construction of the historic Second Niger Bridge has also commenced, and on completion, it will open new and far-reaching opportunities for greater trade and interaction among our people.
30. In the Aviation Sector, our government developed a Master Plan to institutionalise safety and security, and to develop infrastructure at the airports and local airlines. We embarked on the reconstruction and rehabilitation of 22 airports nationwide. Construction work on five new international terminals in Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Kano and Enugu are also on-going.
31. There has been a revolution in rail transportation. We rehabilitated the old narrow gauge network and ensured that it has served our people steadily for three years running with new coaches and improved expanded services nationwide.
32. We are in the construction stages of a new national network for standard gauge speed-train services, with the new rail line segment, from Abuja to Kaduna, successfully completed. In addition, we have initiated the process for the construction of an ultramodern coastal rail line that will run from Lagos to Calabar, with a link to Onitsha.
33. We have also successfully completed the dredging of River Niger, from Warri in Delta State to Baro in Niger State, and completed construction works for the Onitsha River Port. Other River Ports at Baro, Lokoja and Oguta, are at advanced construction stages. Working with the states and development partners, we have facilitated the process towards the development of two new deep sea ports at Lekki in Lagos, and Ibaka in Akwa Ibom. We have also implemented reforms to streamline the clearing regime in existing ports, increasing cargo turnover time and easing business for all users.
34. In the oil and gas sector, our local content policy has continued to empower Nigerian companies, particularly in technical and engineering projects. The Gas Revolution Industrial Park in Delta State is unprecedented in the sub
​-​ sector, and will not only deliver Africa’s biggest industrial park, but all the accompanying benefits to local industry and job creation.
35. We recognized Human Capital as the most important agent for transformational development. Our reforms in this sector focused on Health, Education and Social Development and also on Women and Youth Empowerment and Social Safety Nets.
36. In the Health sector, the comprehensive National Strategic Health Development Plan (NSHDP) of 2011 laid the foundation for widening access and improving the quality of healthcare with lower infant mortality rates and higher life expectancy for the populace. Our effective curtailment of the Ebola epidemic has continued to receive worldwide acclaim as an example in prompt and effective national disease management. On our watch, guinea-worm has been eradicated from Nigeria and we are on the verge of wiping out polio entirely.
37. In the Education sector, our objectives are clear and precise. They emphasise expansion of access and the upgrade of quality. I am proud that we have widened access by establishing 18 more Federal Universities and other specialized polytechnics. We strengthened TETFUND and used it to boldly address the problems of inadequate infrastructure in the existing institutions.
38. I am particularly proud of our efforts with regards to Early Childhood Education and Out-of-School Children. We provided modern hybrid Almajiri Education Programme in the North, attended to schooling needs of boys in the South-East and ensured the construction of special girls’ schools in 13 States of the Federation to improve girl-child education. We expanded opportunities for open and distance learning and provided scholarships at all levels to help improve access to quality education for bright and promising Nigerians.
39. We have promoted gender-mainstreaming with commensurate priority and opportunities for our womenfolk, beginning with ensuring that not less than 30 per cent of key Federal appointments go to women. Other initiatives that we have taken include: the National Gender Policy, Establishment of Gender Units in Federal MDAs, Women Empowerment Training Programmes, Micro-Credit for Women, Social Safety Net Programmes and the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Scheme.
40. My Administration has emphasized giving a free hand to our Anti-corruption agencies such as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC). We preferred that they mature into strong institutions instead of being the images, the hammer and the anvil of a strong man. We must encourage them to abide by the rule of law and due process instead of resorting to dramatic or illegal actions orchestrated for cheap applause.
41. Beyond the very impressive records of enhanced convictions by statutory anti-corruption agencies like the EFCC and ICPC, our other strategy has been to fashion economic policies that deliver higher deterrence and frustrate concealment. In this regard, the Bureau of Public Procurement has played a central role and impacted strongly on the fight against corruption.
42. In Sports, we have improved our national performance in team and individual events. The disappointment of not qualifying to defend our African Football Championship was cushioned by a decent FIFA World Cup appearance, an Under-17 World Cup win in addition to other victories in other international football tournaments and the Paralympics. We have also encouraged excellence in other sports, apart from football, resulting in exceptional performance in international sporting events, especially in athletics.
43. Our foreign policy position remains strong. In October 2013, Nigeria was elected as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the second time on our watch. Our country had only served in that capacity thrice before 2011, since independence in 1960. Our Administration also played a leading role in the resolution of security and political challenges in our sub-region, particularly in Niger, Cote D’Ivoire, Mali, Guinea-Bissau and Burkina Faso.
44. In addition, we increased engagement with Nigerians in the diaspora who contribute so much in remittances to their fatherland. Our Administration successfully encouraged more of them to invest in Nigeria and others to return home and join in the task of nation-building.
45. In summary, Your Excellency, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, our administration has done its best to intervene robustly and impact positively on key aspects of our national life.
46. There is no doubt that challenges still abound, but they are surmountable and overwhelming national transformation remains realisable, with continuity, commitment and consistency.
47. Nigeria is blessed with citizens that will always remain faithful, firmly committed to national unity, accelerated political, social and economic development.
48. As we hand over the reins of government, I believe that our nation is secure, our democracy is stable, and the future is bright. Let us all work together, and with greater resolve, continue to build a stronger and more prosperous nation.
49. May God Almighty continue to bless our dear country, Nigeria.
50. I thank you all.
- See more at:

Monday 18 May 2015



Be very confident, BOLD and
Fearless, most of all dress neat
and smell Good.

All you need is to walk up to
her and say this "HI" Don't use
"HI BABE" that for high class
niggaz like Me (BadOo ! L L)
wait for her response and if
she doesn't answer just say "I

Laugh jokingly and do as if you
are leaving..
she would respond
immediately,(I swear!) she
might yell out at you,dont feel

BUH if she respond at your
very "hi" or "Helo" , just fast
forward yourself (i didnot say
run. ho!) just swag yourself go
front small and say this
"i'm martin(use your
and each time i see you, i feel
like dying, dont know why but
before i die of heart attack, i
said i should walk up to you
and tell you that from this
curse or blessing, (Come Here!
after you say martin/ ur name..
NAME O.) just walk away,
walahi! that girl wont sleep
that night #but be very serious
in yarning.. :D:D - See more at:

Friday 15 May 2015

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How Can I make sure I’m not barred? Once you try to Load the Awuf Airtime and it says “pin does not exist” wait till 20 minutes or more before trying another. MTN has reduced the number of error trials to just 2 times after that you get barred….
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I Haven’t Got Useful Tips From Jonathan – Buhari

Buhari 1 (1)
President-elect Muhammadu Buhari has accused the outgoing Goodluck Jonathan government of not giving him “tips” on how to kick-start his administration on May 29.
He spoke on Thursday when a committee from the Centre for Human Security of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library, presented a five-point policy document to him at the Buhari Support Organisation office in Abuja.
Hours before the event which held behind closed doors, the All Progressives Congress, insisted that the Federal Government was not cooperating with the transition committee set up by the President-elect.
“Buhari regretted that the outgoing government that is supposed to give him tips on how to take off has done nothing so far,” Garba Shehu, the Director of Media and Publicity of the All Progressives Congress Presidential Campaign Organisation, told journalists after the presentation by the committee.
Shehu added that the President-elect “thanked the Obasanjo initiative for the gesture, assuring the committee that his incoming administration will be needing advice as time goes on.”
Areas covered by committee in the document include the economy, security, power, education and infrastructure.
He said that Obasanjo had set up a think tank to carry out a study on the challenges facing the country in the five key areas.
The study, he added, was started four months ago “so that the outcome will be made available to the incoming administration after the election.”
He also revealed that Nigeria’s former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Dr. Christopher Kolade, who headed the power committee, gave various stages of the proposed power sector development plan to include short-term, medium-term, long-term solutions.
Under the short-term solution, the plan seeks to raise the country’s power generation to 10,000 MW within a very short period of time.
He added that the president-elect described the intervention of Obasanjo and his team as a great impetus for the incoming government.
The vice-chairman of the committee, who is a former Minister of Finance, Kalu Idika Kalu, said, “We have looked at education, security, economy, power and Infrastructure. Those are the areas we have made recommendations and which we hope the new administration would be able to work on.”
He further explained that the president-elect was very happy that they had been thinking about how to help him hit the ground running.
The Chairman of the centre’s governing board, Akin Mabogunje. who also spoke to journalists after the event, said the committee had been working on a number of critical issues for the development of the country.
According to him, a delegation of the committee members involved in the preparation of the policy document was sent to present the report to the President-elect.
Earlier on Thursday , the APC described as untrue, a statement credited to the spokesman for the Peoples Democratic Party, Oliseh Metuh, that the Jonathan administration was cooperating with the transition committee constituted by the President-elect.
It also described Metuh in a statement signed by its National Publicity Secretary, Lai Mohammed, as a man with “an incurable disdain for truth.”
The PDP spokesman had in the said statement accused the APC of raising a false alarm over happenings within the Jonathan and the Buhari transition committees.
However, Mohammed insisted that the uncooperative attitude of the Jonathan team had continued despite its public posturing.
The APC statement Read, “We say with all sense of responsibility that as of today, May 14, 2015, just about two weeks to the May 29 handover date, no shred of information as to the status of governance from any ministry, department or agency of government has been given to our transition committee.”
“If that qualifies, in Metuh’s lexicon, as cooperation, then there is a problem somewhere. We dare Metuh or anyone for that matter, to controvert the fact that not a line of handover note has been handed over to our transition committee.”
The APC also restated its earlier call to Metuh to urgently undertake a course on how to be an opposition party spokesman so that he would not talk or write himself into avoidable troubles in the days ahead.
It equally admonished him to always verify information available to him in order to separate rumours from facts.
The statement further read, “Metuh decided to put his foot in his mouth when he latched on to the statement made by our Transition Committee Chairman, forgetting that in making his statement, the chairman was only advising him against anything that would put the Federal Government in a bad light.
“A discerning party spokesman, rather than a rabble-rousing one, would have understood the elder statesman’s stand for what it is instead of using it as a peg to issue a needless, hollow statement that puts his party and government in a bad light.”
The APC said it had decided to allow bygones be bygones, but now that Metuh had stirred the hornet’s nest, it was time to put out the facts for Nigerians to judge.
It added, “What happened was that, following the request by our transition committee to meet with them, they invited us to what was the first formal meeting between both transition committees.
“But the meeting was a mere photo-op, as it yielded nothing concrete as far as handover notes are concerned.
“In fact, what we met at the so-called meeting was far worse than what we had thought. Whereas we had hoped to get their handover notes on May 14th (the date they had indicated to us informally), they told us point blank that the notes won’t be ready until May 24th.
“Because this date falls on a Sunday that means we won’t be getting the handover notes until May 25th, just four days before the May 29th handover date.
“How do they honestly expect us to peruse thousands of pages of handover notes, ask pertinent questions and seek necessary clarifications within four days? Because we want a smooth transition, we asked if we could meet with some of the ministers pending the release of the handover notes, but they said no.
“When one of their members even suggested that the whole process be fast-tracked, they did not budge.
“Despite this setback, we decided not to put the whole issue in the public domain, until the babbling Metuh decided to look for trouble, describing the deliberate stonewalling by the Jonathan Administration as cooperation.”

Another Collaboration! Davido Hits The Studio With Akon - See more at:

Davido is determined to make this album the best it can be and he is loading it up with collaborations.
With international artists like Meek Mill and Trey Songz already on his payroll for this album, Davido has hit the studio with Akon.
A photo of them together was posted on Instagram and we can’t wait to see what music with the two of them will sound  like.

Thursday 14 May 2015

3 Men Die After Consuming ‘Ogogoro’ In Ondo, Seller Flees

Akure—DETECTIVES from Ondo State Police Command are working round the clock to unravel the mysterious death of three persons after consuming a local gin, popularly known as ogogoro at Oka Motor Park in Ondo town, Ondo State.
This is coming as the state government said last week that it had curtailed the outbreak of a strange disease which caused the death of 23 persons at Irele area of the state.
The government said the 23 who died at Irele consumed poisonous ethanol and banned the consumption of ogogoro across the state.
Vanguard gathered that the deceased persons in this latest incident included a member of the National Union of Road Transport Workers, NURTW, in the park, an electrician and another person working in the motor park.
It was learned that the three persons consumed the local gin at the park and immediately complained of stomach upset.
Other members of the union reportedly applied local herbs to calm them down, but they soon became unconscious.
An eyewitness said they died before they could be rushed to a nearby hospital in the town, adding that the deaths were mysterious as other members of the union usually drank the same ogogoro.
Seller flees
Vanguard gathered that the seller of the ogogoro had fled the park for fear of arrest by policemen, who reportedly stormed the motor park to investigate the incident.
The eyewitness said consum-ption of ogogoro at motor parks by members of NURTW was a daily occurrence.
It was also gathered that the deceased had been buried according to Muslim rites without undergoing any autopsy to confirm the real cause of their death.
Contacted, the police image maker, Wole Ogodo, said: “When I called the DPO of the Enuowa Police Division in Ondo, he said nobody had reported the case at the police station, that they too heard it as rumour in the town.
“We have commenced investigation and after the investigation we shall let the whole world know what actually happened to the said three persons.”
We ‘re in control— Health Commissioner
It would be recalled that the Health Commissioner, Dr. Dayo Adeyanju, last weekend said the state government has successfully curtailed the ethanol poison at Irele area of the state.
He said the sensitization efforts of government had yielded results on the consumption of the local gin.
The commissioner added that both National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, NAFDAC, and SON had intervened to standardize the brewing of the local gin and regulate it’s production.
Adeyanju said: “Those that died as a result of the consumption of the local gin are the chronic drinkers, while those that just tasted it have since regained their sights.”
According to him, a high concentration of the ethanol poison was discovered in the system of those that died as a result of its consumption.
Adeyanju pointed out that the ban on the consumption of ogogoro in the state still subsists, while government would deal decisively with those who flouted the directive.

3 Soldiers, 6 Vigilante Group Members Killed In Maiduguri Boko Haram Attack

Boko Haram Nl
3 soldiers and six local vigilante members died during the Boko Haram attack in Maiduguri yesterday May 13th.
A senior official of the state Vigilante group who spoke to Daily Trust on condition of anonymity said the six vigilante group members who died were killed while trying to help 3 women who ran to them for help when the attacks started.
Unknown to them, the women were suicide bombers who had bombs strapped under their clothes which later exploded, killing 6 and injuring 12 others.
“The six vigilantes were killed by female suicide bombers who pretended to be in distress while the fight was ongoing between troops and the terrorists.
The three women were all suicide bombers because they strapped their bodies with explosives and pretended that they were trapped in the ensuing confusion.
And out of sympathy, our members approached them with a view to taking them to safety but sadly, they (women) detonated their explosives,” he said.
A military officer also confirmed that three soldiers died during the attack while many members of the insurgency group lost their live

The cafe industry

The cafe industry

Over the past couple of decades the UK has been steadily moving towards the kind of well-established café culture countries such as France and Italy are famous for. An explosion in coffee chains has left few high streets without their branch of Costa or Starbucks. As the pub industry continues to suffer heavy blows, there’s a growing market for boutique and independent cafés offering an alternative place to sit and read the paper. According to research published by The Local Data Company in 2012, there are around 5,000 coffee shop brands and 5,500 independent coffee shops across the UK. Recession or not, us Brits want our coffee and we want it fast, with almost half of consumers valuing convenience of location over brand of coffee. Perhaps that’s why coffee shops are opening up in such large quantities across small distances – Holloway Road, north London, holds the record with 24 along one stretch, closely followed by Gloucester Road, Bristol at 23.
However, quality still overrules convenience and according to Allegra Strategies, people are becoming increasingly aware of factors such as where their coffee is sourced and how it is roasted. Customers are seeking out the best quality caffeine fix, with two thirds of consumers placing quality as the most significant factor in choosing a coffee shop. By far the most successful coffee brand in the UK is Costa, which boasts 1,400 stores across the UK and recently announced plans to open 350 more.
However, while some coffee brands are expanding rapidly, it appears that customers are nonetheless enticed by the intimacy of an independent.
Starbucks have struggled through the recession and have been forced to close a number of stores across the UK. Yet just a week after implementing a radical plan to add a personalised touch to its service, by toning down the logo and writing names on customers’ coffee cups, the US-based company experienced a 9% increase in sales.
If you think that this £2bn industry has reached its peak, think again. Jeffrey Young, managing director of coffee analysis firm Allegra Strategies, forecasts there will be more than 7,000 branded coffee shops within the next few years and nearly 18,000 outlets including independent and non-specialist shops.
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Buhari Plans Special Courts For Corruption

Special courts to prosecute sundry tax evasion cases and official graft are to be set up by President- elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (rtd), it was gathered yesterday.
The courts, which will be in the Federal Capital Territory, would deal strictly with corruption and tax evasion offences by companies, individuals and government officials.
The courts are expected to lift the burden of excruciating and delayed trials of offenders by regular courts so that the next government can get fast results in its avowed war against corruption.
Chairman of the Anti- Money Laundering and Cyber Security Coalition at the National Assembly, Senator Aloysius Etok, disclosed yesterday that the coalition of senators and members of the House of Representatives had already got the nod of the President-elect to set up the courts.
Etok expressed optimism that the courts, when established, will take off the burden of such cases from the regular courts and give them accelerated hearing.
“We are confident that these courts will give accelerated hearing to tax evasion cases and other cases bothering on corruption,” he said.
Senator Etok disclosed that the National Assembly is probing about 115 tax offenders.
Besides, the lawmaker also revealed that senators in the course of investigations found that about 50 contracting firms working with the Federal Ministry of Works operate with forged tax certificates.
Among the companies that may come under the hammer of the National Assembly for tax evasion amounting to billions of Naira, according to the committee and the ICPC, are Arab Contractors, Septa Energy, Tower Aluminum, B. Stabilini and 112 others.
Etok also disclosed that the legislature was pushing for the prosecution of companies with high rate of casualised workers and fraudulent expatriate quota practices.
The lawmaker warned that with sustained evasion of taxes by companies, agencies like the Universal Basic Education Commission, UBEC, Tertiary Education Trust Fund, TETFUND, Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC, would fold up, as according to him, the agencies depend on taxes for survival.
The ICPC, in a document submitted to the Senate, stated that: “In view of the Financial Intelligence analysis carried out by the commission on the plethora of petitions received on issues bothering on Tax Clearance Certificates scam, investigation led to the uncovering of tax evasion, nonpayment of Capital Gains Taxes, nonremittance of Withholding Tax and Value Added Tax, VAT.”
The commission regretted the serial breach of the procurement process with the collaboration of procurement officers.
“Procurement is an area that has long been recognised as being particularly vulnerable to corruption because public procurement through government contracting represents a substantial percentage of the economy,” the document stated.
Meanwhile, former British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blair, yesterday visited General Buhari and assured him of the support and cooperation of the international community.
He stated that the entire world was excited with the outcome of the March 28, 2015 presidential election in the country.
Blair explained that the global support was predicated on the belief that the President-elect and his vice are determined to do their best for the country.
According to him, Nigeria has earned the respect of the international community because of the way the elections were conducted without rancour.
In an opening speech before the duo retired into a closed-door meeting, Blair said: “In the last few weeks, Nigeria has earned respect throughout the whole world. There is enormous support for Nigeria now in the international community. The support takes into consideration the challenges that lie ahead and there is great confidence in the country.
“This is an election which took place in a way which the country showed the majority of democracies the spirit and character of its people and in the President- elect and Vice President- elect; it is a leadership that I know is determined to do its best for the country.
“Obviously, the future and destiny of Nigeria lie in the hands of its people. I just want to say to the President-elect that there is tremendous support for you and the country at this moment and all of us, in whatever way we can, stand ready to support you and help you.
“It is a moment of great challenges which bothers on the life of the people as well as their security and so on.
“If the same spirit and character that defined the election can be taken through these coming years to address the challenges, I think we can all have great confidence in the times ahead.”
Buhari who later briefed the press on the outcome of the parley said: “We had a meeting and discussed how Britain and the United States were helping us in making sure that we conducted ourselves according to our constitution.
“The fact that it (election) has been so successful is a major relief for us and to all people of conscience throughout the world.
“I thank the former British Prime Minister for his concern for Nigeria and Nigerians, in what he is prepared to do by continuing to help us as a country and as a people.”